Friday, August 22, 2008


The moment that I saw Mr. Ronald Flynn I never thought that he owned one of the biggest running companies here in the Philippines. He asked me to work for him but I turned him down, but days passes by I realized that why I shouldn't’t give it a try..i contacted him and offer myself to work for him and he accepted me without asking anything. When I first I came asked myself where’s the office, I asked my workmates why are we here in his place…why we don’t have office? And then I found out that it’s just for temporary cause well find office to work for. I started to ask something about my Boss and for the company. I surfed in the Internet and I realized now how amazing this company is. At first things was so easy to work, were not that pressured and we even play around, were not serious about our work and we did not think that we need to work.

But when our Boss starting to work for the company, people become interested and many leads comes, he even contacted by people in different countries and then I realized that this is the start of true battle. We are now fixing things for the better, we are now looking for office, the company is now on the television and newspaper, It starting to get known and now things never easy as before. We need to work hard for the company because it’s in the market now, its getting bigger and things are starting to get better. Our products is so amazing, it can the help the country to be clean and it can help the environment to have fresh air, It can help to reduce the waste here in the Philippines, this is what my company doing now.

And now I know for sure that our company will be successful as years comes by, it will run bigger and I never imagine how things will work when it becomes successful. We need to work hard and take our job responsibility well done, and I’m so thankful and honored that I’m part of this big company. Now I’m starting to work seriously and ill make sure that Ill do my job and I’m starting to loving it, I have learned things and I’m still learning as days passes by and i will make sure that I’m not wasting even single of time to work for.

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